New Record

Creating a New Record in to the cBiz

Create a New Consultant:

To create a new consultant in the cBiz we need to follow the below steps.

  1. The table name to store Candidates is 'Consultants'

  2. You need to set the field "ConsIntID" = NewCounter (ex: 'CS00000036')

  3. You need to set the field "DisplayName" = FirstName + " " + LastName (ex: 'Kris Reddy')

  4. You need to set the field "ConsultantID" = FirstName + " " + LastInitial (This need to be unique, if not unique append a number, till it is unique)

  5. You need to set the field "CreateDate" = CurrentDateTime

  6. You need to set the field "ModifiedDate" = CurrentDateTime

  7. You need to set the field "UserIDs" = ",Admin," (Note the leading and lagging commas. Instead of 'Admin', you can put any other valid cBizOne user. But make sure you put the leading and lagging commas)

  8. All of the above fields are compulsory, and you need to follow the rules mentioned above.

Issues Regarding Resumes:

  1. "ResumeDir"

  • "ResumeDir" = "Database\" (Fixed word - Note the ending slash) - IF Resumes are stored in the database

  • "ResumeDir" = The folder where the resume is, and is should end with "\" - IF Resumes are stored in your file system.

  1. "ResumeFile" = Resume file name (no path)

  2. "uuResumeText" = Text content of the resume.

If the resumes are stored in the database (the following can be ignored, if the Resumes are stored in your file system)

 Table Name to store resumes: Documents

You need to set the following fields in the Documents table. 

  1. "ItemIntID" = NewCounter (ex: 'CS00000036') (This ID is same as the ConsIntID of the given candidate)

  2. "DocType" = "Resume" (Fixed word)

  3. "DocName" = ResumeFileName (with or without path)

  4. "DocContent" = Zipped (compressed) resume content

  5. "CreateDate" = CurrentDateTime

  6. "ModifiedDate" = CurrentDateTime

SQL Query:

Please find the following link to download the T-SQL Query to create a simple Candidate in to the cBiz.

Link1: Generating ConsultantID



Create a New Company:

Please find the following link to download the T-SQL Query to create a simple Company in to the cBiz.

Link1: New COMPANY


Create a New Contact:

Please find the following link to download the T-SQL Query to create a simple Contact in to the cBiz.

Link1: New CONTACT


Create a New Requirement:

Please find the following link to download the T-SQL Query to create a simple Requirement in to the cBiz.

Link1: New Generate ReqID