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Customize Win-Forms (Form Designer):

Form Designer:

  • To customize the lay out of your forms or to add New Tabs, on the Tools menu, select Customize and choose Form Designer.
  • Once the Customize Window opens up select the Form Designer which opens the Form Modifier.
  • To Move a field, click on the Field (White box), and use the mouse to drag to the desired location.  Also, you can use <CTRL> and Arrow Keys to move the field.
  • To Resize a field, Mouse-down on one of the "grab-handles" (eight small white squares) and drag.  Also, you can use <SHIFT> and Arrow Keys to resize the field.
  • To Remove a field, click on the Field (White Box), and click on the "Remove" button on the Toolbar.  Also, you can use <DELETE> key to remove the field.
  • To Change the field caption, right-click on the Caption, and enter the desired caption.

TIP:  You can show a grid and Align the Fields to the Grid.  Use the Options at the bottom of this window.

  • To Add a new custom field, you first need to use the Database Designer to create the field.  All the available fields (i.e. unused fields) will be shown on the Fields list on the left.
  • To Add a field to the Form, Drag-and-drop the field from the Fields List on to the Form.
  • To Add a new tab click on the menu bar Tabs and choose Add Tab.
  • To Rename a tab click on the menu bar Tabs and choose Rename Current Tab.
  • To Delete a tab click on menu bar Tabs and choose Delete Tab.
Click Save and Close to save the setting of your form design.